In order for us to get to a place of self love, we have to build up our self esteem by practicing proper self-care intentionally and consistently. Yet, most of us skip this crucial step that will allow us to flourish. Here may be some reasons why...
It might be low self esteem, sis…
Sorry to start off like this. People who are overly critical of themselves or who have low self worth will often avoid self-care or don’t see it as priority. I mean why bother, right? Why put in the extra work, if I feel like shit anyway? I’ve been there before. Not a good feeling. But the more we stay in a rut, the more we will stay in a rut. Does that make sense? The more we allow ourselves to sink into a mess both internally and physically, the worse our self esteem will get. It will be a cycle you wish you could get out of, but have not built the strength to push through. Though we don’t like to admit it, the way we look effect the way we feel and vice versa.
Feeling guilty, perhaps?
Putting others first is common especially those with children or those who are used to taking care of people because of their life or work situation. Taking care of ourselves can cause guilty because they feel selfish.
But really what is selfish is giving only 50% of yourself to everyone because you haven’t been able to give that 100% to yourself. Even when you think you are giving your all to everyone else, the truth is that we are only as good to people as we are to ourselves. This negligence can build up resentment toward those we care for, although it’s a decision we made entirely on our own.
It’s just never enough time.
..or that’s how it can feel a lot of the time. Life gets busy and self care is put on the bottom of the priority list when things that seem more important are not yet finished.
It’s okay to work, but not if it’s to your detriment. I mean you are human for god sake, not a robot. It’s a disservice to yourself to work nonstop and not give yourself any down time to the point of being burnt out and looking like it too.
Change is hard..like really hard.
Self care requires changes to your life. Not an easy thing to do. But its so worth it!
You just don’t understand..
Many people see self care as frivolous spending, instead of seeing it for what it is..an investment. You are investing in you. With any investment comes a profit. If people don’t understand the best and most beneficial forms of self care, they are less likely to practice them regularly.
A lack of planning
Most people practice self care only when it is necessary, which leads to less effective self care activities. Instead make this a lifestyle.
I just don’t feel like it…
It could be due to laziness or just downright your feelings. Our bodies may not know what it is feeling but it is feeling something. The constant routine of not taking care of our well-being can become such a on us that we end up in this rat race. It’s simply too much effort to try and that my friend, is a terrible place to be.