Hi! Welcome to SOUL SEARCH.  I have created this site first and foremost for myself. This is my creation..an idea that first started out with just a thought and will transform into something far greater…much more profound and impactful.

Back in 2020, I was going through my own rut, it was the pandemic and as you know this global tragedy hit everyone in such a way that shook our reality . With many bad outcomes also came a time for people to begin self reflecting; me included. Although I normally like to be in my thoughts, this time was different. My thoughts were overbearing. I finally asked myself..why am I so unhappy? I had to find out. I needed a solution. And so the search within began.

I use this page as a means to continually hold myself accountable. As motivation to keep pushing myself toward the person I want to be and the life I want to live, and in that process move others to do the same. I’ve come to understand that I can only help others by first helping and changing myself.

My hope with this …is to inspire …grow and encourage people to do the hard work that is required to change into who we want to be.

I sincerely hope that you can gain something from this by beginning the journey to healing.

Thanks for stopping by!