Relive your Childhood

Like many things that are gratifying in this world, it has become far more easier to repress our deep rooted issues than to fix the problem at its core, simply because it is too painful to deal with. No one wants to confront the thing that brings out parts of ourselves that we hate. This part of ourselves is our inner child or what is today called “Our shadow side.” Instead of paying attention to the child within us, we numb ourselves by drowning them out with noise; sex, drugs, vacations, you name it! We continue on with life, as if we are not hurting and broken, not understanding that they are in dire need of care and nurture. Sometimes really , we are running away from pain we may not even know is there.

See, our childhoods are a very crucial time in our lives. These early years play a role in the development in our brains that will later affect us physically, cognitively, emotionally and socially. If trauma wasn’t caused by our parent(s) or guardian(s), it might have formed from experiences with our friends, family members or anyone we’ve had interactions with. These interactions leave a lasting impression on our hearts and psyche, even if we don’t notice it throughout our lives. Whether it was done intentionally or unintentionally to us, it doesn’t matter because we still end up suffering the repercussions as adults. Who we are today is a result of who we were growing up and what experiences molded us.

Acknowledging the inner child, can begin the process of healing and bringing clarity to the why’s in your life. Why am I always unhappy? Why am I always looking for approval? Why do my relationships keep falling apart?..WHY AM I THIS WAY?!


Though, it does not dictate who we can become. With proper care and effort we can finally give our inner selves the love and nurture it has always needed to flourish. We can begin the process of writing a new story for ourselves.




The Beginning of You