
Although self esteem and self love are very close in definition, they are not one in the same. Self love entails both feeling and action that allows you to love yourself as a whole. Self love is a byproduct of…. You can’t just command yourself to love yourself and WAHLA! you are loved.

What does it look like to truly love someone?

What do you do for that significant other? How do you feel when you are doing these things for them? Now imagine if you loved yourself in that same manner.

See, Real love requires effort. It asks you for your time; to be attentive to your partner’s wants and needs. To perform acts of service out of desire and not solely out of obligation. And when you perform out of a pure heart it brings joy and excitement to the both of you. Self love requires us to do the same thing for ourselves. If we truly believe we are deserving of love, then it would be pleasurable to take time out of our day to please our own desires.

The acceptance that we seek for in others, we will no longer need because we validate ourselves. When we learn who we are deep down inside; our motives, likes and dislikes we develop a love for this person. The person we are outside of our friends’ and families’ perception. The person outside of social media. The one we lay at night with when we are alone in our rooms. Despite our insecurities and flaws we hold ourselves in high regard but are also quick to improve the things detrimental to ourselves and others. We do not stay in our toxic habits because we are comfortable and fearful of change but we seek a better, more love-able version of us only then can we allow others to love us.

See, the goal isn’t to be perfect but it isn’t to settle for a lower version of who we are either.

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